Thursday 22 November 2012

Amazing things can happen.....

Look what you can achieve when you work as a team!

Everyone has a part to play.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Getcha hed in the game

Is your head in the game?
How do you aim for Excellence?
Do you think the journey you take to achieve excellence is important or is it the end product?
Is there something you want to be EXCELLENT at?
How do you "keep your head in the game?"

Saturday 27 October 2012

Brother eagle, sister sky

We can be the difference!
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.”
Chief Seattle


Wednesday 24 October 2012

REACH - What you do counts!

Take some time to reflect.....

What you do counts.......
  • Are you a good friend who is kind and says nice things?
  • Do you do 'things' for others - just because,  not because you know you will get something in return?
  • Do you use your manners and say "Please" and "Thank you"?
  • Do you respect and appreciate the adults in your community?

The start of term is always a great time to set new goals and achieve great things.... be the person you want to be!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

almost REACH for the Stars!

Almost let's REACH for the Stars!

What REACH actions have you displayed this term?
How have your goals gone?
Did you achieve what you set out to do?
Take some time this week to reflect on all the work, friendships and attitudes you have participated in this term.....
Did you give 100% or are there things you could do better?
Go on REACH for those STARS!!!

Thursday 13 September 2012


Is it easy being honest?
What can we learn from Pinnocchio?
How do you tell the truth after a lie?
What does it mean to be honest?

Thursday 6 September 2012

The importance of honesty

Take some time to reflect....
Why is it important to be honest?
When you are not honest how do you feel?
How do you feel when someone exaggerates?
What would it feel like to always tell the truth and keep our word?


Mr Stanley sure knows what honesty is about!

Thursday 23 August 2012

Team it the same as cooperating?

Working with others is easy.....right?
  • To be part of a team what skills do you need?
  • What happens when things go wrong when you are part of a team?
  • Is it important to learn to cooperate and work with others?
  • When do you have to cooperate with others?

C= makes things happen!

Sing and dance along with our old friends at Sesame Street.
 They sure know how to get things done!

What does it mean to cooperate?
How have you cooperated today?

Thursday 2 August 2012

Excellence....what is it? ....what does it mean?

What is Excellence?
Can just anyone achieve it?
 I've found some statements that made me think....when do I show excellence?
When did you last show excellence? Are any of these statements true?

EXCELLENCE is seldom an accident.

EXCELLENCE is regularly achieved as a result of an unrelenting insistence of the highest standards.

EXCELLENCE demands self discovery, commitment and discipline.

EXCELLENCE inspires - it electrifies!

EXCELLENCE is a commitment to completion.

EXCELLENCE is a state of mind put into action.

EXCELLENCE brings satifaction and self respect.

Excellence and Commitment

Are you commited to excellence?

To excel in anything - in schoolwork, in sport, in music, in relationships with others - you must have commitment.

Study the picture below. When is the diver commited?
When she has left the diving board - when there is NO TURNING BACK. Commitment alone doesn't guarantee success but lack of commitment guarantees that you will stay in your Comfort Zone, that you will fall short of your potential, and that you will not achieve excellence and high standards.
So show commitment now, set your goals and take the steps to achieve could lead to EXCELLENCE!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Respect: What a wonderful world

What a wonderful world we live in..

How can we show respect to the beautiful world we live in?

Monday 23 July 2012

Who do you respect?

Who do you respect?

Why do you respect them?

How do you show respect?

Does it matter how old someone is?

Or if they are a bit different to you?

Pinned Image

Discuss your ideas, create a poster or a speech to share your thoughts.

Thursday 19 July 2012

REACH: Excellence

What does it take to achieve excellence?

  • Can you imagine what Bevan Docherty needed to do to finish this way?
  • What do you think he may have been thinking or feeling?
  •  Do you have something you want to be excellent at?
  • How will you achieve it? What skills will you need? What values will you have to uphold?

Wednesday 18 July 2012

REACH - Olympic Values Respect

Be inspired by the Olympic athletes and the values they up hold.

Click on the word Olympics  to take you to a clip showing the ways the values are upheld at the games. You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Respect...please and thank you

Do you know when to use please and thank you? Steve and Katie do. Listen to their song and sing along.

REACH - Respect

Mr Stanely talks about many ways you can show along with him!